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Golden West College: Financial Aid?

Hi there, I'm a high school junior looking into Golden West College, and I'm wondering about financial aid options. What kind of financial aid package can I expect as an incoming freshman? Are there any scholarships or grants I should be aware of?

5 days ago

Hello! Golden West College offers a variety of financial aid options for incoming students. As a California Community College, you may be eligible for several state-specific financial aid programs. Here are some financial aid options and resources you can consider:

1. FAFSA: First, complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine your eligibility for federal and state financial aid, including grants, loans, and work-study opportunities. This should be your starting point, as it helps you access a wide range of financial aid options.

2. California College Promise Grant (CCPG): Formerly known as the Board of Governors Fee Waiver (BOGFW), this grant program waives enrollment fees for eligible California residents attending a California Community College, such as Golden West. To apply for the CCPG, you need to complete the FAFSA or the California Dream Act Application (CADAA) for undocumented students.

3. Cal Grant: California residents may also be eligible for Cal Grants, a need- and merit-based financial aid program from the California Student Aid Commission. You'll need to complete the FAFSA or CADAA and a verified GPA submitted by your high school by the March 2nd deadline to be considered for a Cal Grant.

4. EOPS (Extended Opportunity Programs & Services): EOPS is a state-funded program that provides additional financial aid, counseling, and resources to students facing economic and educational challenges. To be eligible, you must meet income requirements and have an educational or language disadvantage.

5. Institutional Scholarships: Golden West College offers various scholarships to incoming students, which you can find on their scholarships webpage. You'll need to complete a single application to be considered for multiple scholarships; the application period is usually from late January to early March.

6. External Scholarships: Be sure to search for external scholarships based on your unique circumstances, interests, and achievements. Websites like Fastweb, Cappex, and Scholarships.com are great resources for finding scholarships.

It's essential to stay proactive and organized when applying for financial aid. Thoroughly research all available options, and be aware of deadlines for applications and submission requirements. Good luck!

5 days ago

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