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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Columbia University's location in New York

Hello everyone! I'm considering applying to Columbia University, but I'm not too familiar with its exact location in New York City. Can someone please give me a little more information on the area it's in and the surrounding neighborhood?

9 days ago

Columbia University is located in the Morningside Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, in New York City. Its address is 116th St. & Broadway, and the campus sits on a small hill, giving it an elevated and scenic view of the surrounding area. Morningside Heights is known for being an "academic village," as the neighborhood houses a number of educational institutions, including Barnard College, Union Theological Seminary, and The Jewish Theological Seminary.

Morningside Heights is considered a safe and relatively quiet neighborhood when compared to other parts of Manhattan. It offers a mix of residential and commercial spaces with tree-lined streets, cafes, and restaurants. Right next to Columbia University, you'll find Morningside Park to the east and Riverside Park to the west, offering green spaces for residents and students to unwind and relax.

The surrounding area is very walkable and has convenient access to public transportation, with subway lines (1, A, C, B, and D) and bus stops within walking distance. Given Columbia's location at 116th St., it's only a short subway ride away from downtown Manhattan and other New York City neighborhoods. This allows students to take advantage of internship opportunities, cultural experiences, and entertainment options that NYC has to offer.

In summary, Columbia University's Morningside Heights location combines the academic atmosphere of a college town with the perks of a bustling city. The neighborhood is safe, green, and well-connected to other parts of Manhattan, offering students an excellent college experience with easy access to everything that New York City has to offer.

9 days ago

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