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How much does Stanford University cost?

I've recently been looking into attending Stanford, and was wondering how much the total cost (tuition, room & board, etc.) would be for a year. Any knowledge or experience to share on this? Thanks in advance!

6 days ago

The cost of attending Stanford University varies based on several factors such as housing and meal plan options. However, I can provide you with a general breakdown of the expenses for the 2023-2024 academic year. Keep in mind that these numbers are subject to change annually.

1. Tuition: $61,731 per year

2. Room & Board: Approximately $20,550 per year (this may vary depending on your housing and meal plan choices)

3. Books & Supplies: Approximately $1,455 per year

4. Personal Expenses: Approximately $2,850 per year (this can vary significantly based on individual spending habits)

5. Travel Expenses: Varies depending on your location and travel frequency

Adding up these costs, the estimated total cost of attendance at Stanford for the 2023-2024 academic year is around $86,586. This figure is a rough estimate, and individual costs may differ. To get a more accurate estimate of your expenses, you can use Stanford's Net Price Calculator (available on their website), which accounts for factors like financial aid and location-specific costs.

Additionally, Stanford has a generous financial aid program, which aims to meet 100% of demonstrated need for all admitted undergraduates. If your family's annual income is below $150,000, and assets are typical, you may qualify for partial tuition assistance. Families with an income below $75,000 are eligible for full tuition coverage, and families with an income below $65,000 are eligible for full tuition, room, and board coverage. It's important to submit the necessary financial aid applications to be considered for these programs.

Best of luck in your college search and application process!

6 days ago

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