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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Rutgers-New Brunswick GPA Requirements?

Hey there! I'm planning on applying to Rutgers University, specifically the New Brunswick campus, and was wondering if anyone could tell me the GPA requirements for admissions? Wanting to know if I'm competitive enough. Thanks in advance!

11 days ago

Rutgers University-New Brunswick does not have a strict minimum GPA requirement for admission, but it's essential to keep in mind that the admissions process can be quite competitive. To give you a rough idea, the middle 50% of GPA for admitted students in Fall 2021 was in the range of 3.7-4.2 on a weighted scale. While this can provide some insight into the GPA range Rutgers typically accepts, remember that the admissions process considers various factors beyond just GPA.

So, if your GPA falls within or above the 3.7-4.2 range, you should typically be in a good position. However, if your GPA is below this range, don't be discouraged. Admissions will still evaluate other elements of your application, such as standardized test scores (if submitted), extracurricular activities, essays, and letters of recommendation. Demonstrating your strengths in these areas can help to make up for a lower GPA.

It's also worth noting that different schools and programs within the university may have varying levels of selectivity. To have the best chance at admission, be sure to present a strong overall application that showcases your dedication to academics, leadership, and extracurricular involvement. Good luck on your application!

11 days ago

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