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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can I apply ED to two schools?

I'm a junior right now and I'm looking into college options, but I'm torn between two schools. Can I apply Early Decision to both schools? If not, are there any other options that would increase my chances of getting in?

a year ago

Hi there! I can understand how you might be torn between two schools. However, Early Decision (ED) is a binding agreement, which means if you are accepted to a school through ED, you're obligated to attend that school. Because of this, you can only apply ED to one school.

If you want to increase your chances of getting into one or both schools, you can always apply Early Action (EA) if they offer that option. EA is non-binding, so you aren't required to attend if accepted. Applying early, either through ED or EA, generally provides better odds for admission since the applicant pool tends to be smaller and more committed.

Another approach is to research each school thoroughly and focus on crafting strong, tailored applications for both. This includes demonstrating a clear interest in the specific programs and resources they offer, as well as aligning your extracurricular activities and essays to showcase your best fit. But remember, ultimately you'll have to choose one school for the Early Decision process. Good luck!

a year ago

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