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What's considered a good class rank for Ivy League admissions?

Hey everyone, I was wondering what class rank is generally considered to be competitive for Ivy League admissions? My school ranks out of 300, and I'm currently ranked 25th due to a couple of B's. I'm interested in majoring in computer science and am involved in a few extracurriculars. Do you think my class rank will hurt my chances? Thanks for any advice!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great that you're considering Ivy League schools for computer science. While it's true that those universities can be quite competitive, keep in mind that class rank is just one of many factors admissions officers consider. Being ranked 25th out of 300 is still pretty impressive, so don't be too hard on yourself.

Ivy League schools typically look for students who are in the top 10% of their class. Even though you've got a few B's, your rank positions you just outside that range, which might still work to your advantage. Your extracurricular involvement will be an important aspect, too.

Remember that a standout application showcases a balance of strong academics, personal interests, and leadership. You could always try to improve your rank, but also work on other areas of your application like essays, extracurriculars, and recommendation letters to make you stand out. Best of luck on your journey!

a year ago

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