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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What is the role of the college counselor in the application process?

Hello! I'm starting to work with my college counselor, and I'm not sure what to expect. What role do they play in the college application process, and how can I make the most of their guidance? I'm really eager to learn from their expertise. Thanks!

a year ago

Hi there! It's great to hear that you're eager to learn from your college counselor. They can be a valuable resource in your college application journey. The role of a college counselor varies, but typically, they are there to help guide you through the whole process by offering advice, resources, and support.

Some of the key responsibilities of a college counselor include:

1. Assisting with college selection: They can help you identify schools that match your interests, academic profile, and personal preferences.

2. Providing guidance on application strategy: They can offer insights on how to present yourself effectively in your applications, such as helping you choose which extracurricular activities to highlight or discussing essay topics.

3. Reviewing application materials: They can give you feedback on your essays, resume, and other application components to ensure they are well-written and accurately represent you.

4. Helping with standardized testing: They can provide advice on which tests to take, when to take them, and how to prepare for them.

5. Offering financial aid and scholarship information: They can help you understand your options for financial assistance and point you towards relevant scholarships.

6. Providing emotional support: The college application process can be stressful, and they are there to listen, encourage, and help you stay organized.

To make the most of their guidance, be open and communicative about your goals, concerns, and any issues you encounter throughout the process. Also, don't hesitate to ask questions and make use of their expertise. Remember, they are there to help you succeed, so take advantage of their knowledge and support!

a year ago

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