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What are the admission requirements for Kansas University?

I'm a high school junior and I'm considering applying to the University of Kansas. Can someone help me understand the admission requirements for Kansas University? I want to have a clear idea of what I need to focus on during my senior year. Thanks!

5 days ago

I'm glad you're interested in the University of Kansas! Here's an overview of the admission requirements for Kansas University.

Academic Requirements:

1. GPA: KU does not have a minimum GPA requirement for admission, but they do consider your GPA as part of their holistic review process. A competitive GPA will increase your chances of admission.

2. Course Rigor: KU requires the completion of a pre-college curriculum with specific subject area requirements. Here's a breakdown of the required courses:

- English: 4 units

- Math: 3 units (4 recommended) including Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II

- Science: 3 units (4 recommended) including at least one lab science like Biology, Chemistry, or Physics

- Social Sciences: 3 units including US History, World History or Geography, and either US Government or a third unit of History

- Electives: 2 additional units from any of the subjects above, or from Computer Science, World Language, or Fine Arts.

Standardized Test Scores:

As of the 2023-2024 academic cycle, Kansas University has implemented a test-optional policy. You can choose to submit SAT or ACT scores if you believe they will help your application, but they are not required.

Other Application Components:

1. Personal Statement: Kansas University requires you to submit a personal statement as part of your application. Make sure to showcase your personality, achievements, and reasons for applying to KU.

2. Letters of Recommendation: While not required, KU welcomes up to two letters of recommendation. They can be from teachers, counselors, or community members who can speak to your achievements and potential.

3. Apply Kansas: In addition to completing the online application, you'll need to fill out the "Apply Kansas" section which includes information about your financial aid eligibility, extracurricular activities, and other achievements.

As you prepare for your senior year, focus on maintaining a strong GPA, completing the required coursework, and participating in meaningful extracurricular activities. Keep working diligently, and best of luck with your application to Kansas University!

5 days ago

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