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Lehigh University's diversity: what's it like?

Hi fellow applicants! I'm considering applying to Lehigh University and I'm curious about the diversity on campus. How racially and ethnically diverse is the student body? Does anyone have any insights or experiences they could share? Thanks in advance!

8 days ago

Hi! Diversity is an important factor to consider when applying to a university, as it can greatly impact your college experience. At Lehigh University, the student body has been growing more diverse over the years, but it's still relatively homogenous compared to some other institutions.

As of recent data, the undergraduate demographic profile at Lehigh shows that around 59% of students identified as White, 11% as Hispanic or Latino, 11% as Asian, 5% as Black or African American, with the remaining percentages being made up of students identifying as two or more races, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, or American Indian/Alaska Native. International students make up around 8% of the undergraduate population, coming from various countries and cultures, which also contributes to diversity on campus.

That being said, Lehigh is actively working on increasing diversity through various initiatives and programs. The Office of Multicultural Affairs offers support, resources, and opportunities for underrepresented and culturally diverse students, hosting events and collaborating with student organizations to foster inclusive communities on campus. There are also numerous clubs and organizations related to different cultural, ethnic, and racial backgrounds for students who are looking to connect with others who share similar experiences.

It's essential to consider the diversity of the student body when choosing a college, as it can influence your personal and intellectual growth during your college years. Reach out to current students, attend virtual events, and research cultural organizations to get a better sense of how Lehigh's campus would be a good fit for you. Good luck with your applications!

8 days ago

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