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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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marist gpa calculator

Hey everyone, I'm applying to Marist College and was wondering if anyone could help me find a GPA calculator specifically for their admission requirements. I'd like to know where I stand in terms of meeting the criteria for admission. Any help is appreciated, thank you!

5 days ago

Hello! While Marist College doesn't have a GPA calculator specific to their admission requirements, you can use a general GPA calculator to determine your GPA and then compare it to the averages of admitted students at Marist.

There are several general GPA calculators available online, such as the one provided by CollegeSimply or the one offered by Back2College. These calculators allow you to input your grades, and they'll give you your GPA based on a standard 4.0 scale.

After calculating your GPA using one of these tools, you can look at the average GPA of students admitted to Marist College. According to their Common Data Set, the average high school GPA for admitted students in recent years has been around a 3.6. However, remember that admissions decisions consider multiple factors, such as standardized test scores, extracurricular activities, and essays, in addition to your GPA.

Keep in mind that the GPA is just one aspect of your application, and having a GPA within or even above the average range for admitted students doesn't guarantee acceptance. Make sure to present a holistic application by showcasing your strengths, interests, and individuality. Best of luck with your application to Marist College!

5 days ago

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