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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Clarkson University Engineering Ranking

I've been looking into engineering programs, and Clarkson University caught my eye. How good is their engineering program? Are they well-ranked and reputable in this field?

8 days ago

Clarkson University is known for its strong engineering programs and has a solid reputation in this field. While rankings can vary depending on the source and criteria used, Clarkson's engineering programs generally rank well among other universities. The U.S. News & World Report ranking for Clarkson's undergraduate engineering programs places it at #120 (tie) in Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs (for schools whose highest degree is a doctorate) as of 2024.

It's important to note that rankings are just one aspect to consider when selecting an engineering program. Clarkson boasts a close-knit campus community, small class sizes, and a focus on experiential learning, which provides students with hands-on experience and helps them build connections with industry professionals early in their academic careers.

When evaluating engineering programs, consider factors that might be important to you, such as research opportunities, class size, faculty expertise, alumni network, facilities, and job placement rates. Ultimately, the best engineering program for you will align with your personal preferences and academic goals. So, while Clarkson University may be a good fit for you, be sure to explore other options and factors as well before making your decision.

8 days ago

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