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Submitting SAT scores to Texas State: Is it necessary?

Currently working on my application for Texas State and I was wondering if they require SAT scores or if they have gone test-optional? And if they do require them, what's the average SAT score of admitted students?

7 days ago

Texas State University has adopted a test-optional policy for undergraduate admissions, so submitting your SAT scores is not required. You can choose whether or not to include your test scores in your application. If you feel that your SAT scores strengthen your application, you can submit them; however, if you believe your application is strong without your scores, you can apply without them.

The choice of whether or not to submit your scores will not negatively impact your chances of admission. Texas State will consider factors such as your high school curriculum, GPA, essay responses, and extracurricular activities when reviewing your application. If you do choose to submit your scores, the middle 50% range of accepted students' scores for the Fall 2023 class was 1100-1260.

This means that 25% of admitted students scored below 1100, 50% scored between 1100 and 1260, and 25% scored above 1260. However, considering the test-optional policy, remember that your application will be assessed holistically with or without your test scores.

7 days ago

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