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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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BU Math Major: What to expect?

Hey, I'm considering Boston University for a Math major. For those of you familiar with the program, what should I expect in terms of course load, research opportunities, and overall academic experience? Any info would be really helpful!

8 days ago

Hey! I can provide some insight on the Mathematics major at Boston University (BU). Some of the required courses consist of calculus, linear algebra, abstract algebra, and real analysis.

In terms of course load, you can expect to take around 4-5 classes per semester. Keep in mind that the difficulty and time commitment can vary from class to class. Balancing your math courses with general education classes and any other minors or electives you pursue will be essential for managing your workload.

Regarding research opportunities, BU offers various ways for undergraduates to engage in research. You can look into the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), which facilitates research connections between students and faculty. Some math-related research areas at BU include dynamical systems, algebraic topology, and computational biology, among others.

The overall academic experience at BU for Math majors is quite rigorous, and you'll be surrounded by classmates who are motivated and passionate about the subject. The faculty is known to be knowledgeable and supportive, and there are resources available such as tutoring and study groups to help you throughout your academic journey.

In summary, pursuing a Mathematics major at Boston University offers a challenging but rewarding academic experience with a wide range of courses and research opportunities. It's essential to manage your workload and make the most of the resources available to ensure your success in the program.

8 days ago

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