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Required GPA for Georgia Tech

Hi there! I've been researching Georgia Tech as a potential top choice for me but need some info about their admissions. What is the required GPA for Georgia Tech? Thanks in advance!

7 months ago

Hello! Georgia Tech requires a minimum GPA of 3.3, on an unweighted 4.0 scale, for applicants to the College of Computing and College of Engineering. The minimum GPA requirement is 3.0 on a 4.0 grade scale for College of Design, College of Sciences, Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts, and Scheller College of Business applicants. However, the average admitted student GPA is much higher than this minimum. To give you an idea of the GPA range among admitted students, Georgia Tech's average weighted high school GPA for admitted students is 4.1. Keep in mind that a high GPA is just one aspect of the application.

In addition to your GPA, Georgia Tech will consider your course rigor, test scores, extracurricular involvement, essays, and letters of recommendation. A strong application will demonstrate a well-rounded academic and extracurricular profile. It's also important to take challenging courses in your high school, such as Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or honors classes, to showcase your readiness for the rigor of college academics.

If you have a GPA lower than the average, don't be discouraged as admissions decisions aren't solely based on GPA. A great personal statement, compelling extracurriculars, and strong letters of recommendation can make a difference in your application and help to offset a slightly lower GPA. Remember, Georgia Tech, like many universities, takes a holistic approach when reviewing applications.

Good luck with your application and college search process!

7 months ago

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