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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Drexel University Surroundings

Hey, I'm a junior thinking about applying to Drexel University next year. What's the area around the university like? Is it all city life, or are there more chill spots nearby?

7 months ago

Drexel University is located in the University City neighborhood of Philadelphia, offering an urban and vibrant environment. It's right next to the University of Pennsylvania, which adds to the overall collegiate atmosphere of the area. Being situated in a city provides various opportunities for internships, job placements, and cultural experiences. Philadelphia is rich in history and has a thriving arts scene, along with plenty of restaurants, museums, and entertainment venues for students to explore.

While the area around Drexel is primarily city life, there are several more relaxed spots within walking distance or a short commute. Just across the Schuylkill River, you'll find Fairmount Park, one of the largest urban parks in the United States. The park offers miles of trails, open spaces, and recreational areas where you can enjoy nature and unwind from the bustling city.

Additionally, there are many charming neighborhoods in Philadelphia, such as Fishtown, Passyunk, Old City, and Manayunk, that have a more laid-back vibe with cafes, shops, and green spaces. Public transportation allows for easy access to these areas as well as the suburbs for weekend getaways or escapes from the city. So while Drexel University and its surroundings have a predominantly urban feel, there's no shortage of quieter areas and parks to relax and recharge.

7 months ago

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