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Political Science major at USC

I'm looking into applying to the University of Southern California and thinking about majoring in political science. What's the program like? Are there any unique benefits, like internships or research opportunities, to being a political science major at USC?

7 months ago

The political science program at the University of Southern California (USC) is highly regarded and offers a variety of unique benefits and opportunities to its students. The department is home to a diverse faculty with a wide range of expertise, which allows students to explore various aspects of political science such as American politics, comparative politics, international relations, political theory, and methodology.

One of the standout features of USC's political science program is the Unruh Institute of Politics. The Unruh Institute is dedicated to bridging the gap between theory and practice in politics by offering a variety of resources, such as guest speakers, workshops, conferences, internships, and research opportunities to students interested in political science. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to gain real-world experience and insights from experts in the field.

In addition to the Unruh Institute, USC offers numerous research opportunities for political science majors. You can get involved in faculty-led research projects or even pursue your own independent research under the guidance of a faculty member. These research experiences not only deepen your understanding of the field, but also make you a more competitive candidate for graduate school or career opportunities.

Internships are another key aspect of USC's political science program. The university is located in Los Angeles, which is a major hub for politics, providing a wealth of opportunities to intern with local politicians, non-profit organizations, or government agencies. The Unruh Institute also offers connections to internships in state and federal government, including opportunities in Sacramento and Washington, D.C. These internships can help you gain practical experience in the field and build a strong professional network.

Furthermore, studying political science at USC means you'll be part of a diverse and vibrant campus community committed to academic excellence. There are also numerous clubs and organizations, such as the USC College Democrats and College Republicans, where you can engage in political discussions and debates with your peers.

Overall, majoring in political science at USC offers an abundance of unique benefits, including a strong academic program, access to the Unruh Institute of Politics, extensive research opportunities, and valuable internship experiences. With its outstanding resources and opportunities, a political science degree from USC can help prepare you for a successful career in a wide range of fields.

7 months ago

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