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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Student population at Florida Southern College?

Hi everyone, I'm considering applying to Florida Southern College. Can anyone give me an idea of how many students attend? Also, how does the size of the student body affect the campus atmosphere and student life?

7 months ago

The total student population at Florida Southern College is approximately 3,300 students, which consists of about 2,700 undergraduates and 600 graduate students. This is considered a small to medium-sized college, which can have both pros and cons in terms of campus atmosphere and student life.

A smaller student body often results in a more intimate and tight-knit community, where students have the opportunity to build closer relationships with their classmates and professors. It's not uncommon for class sizes to be smaller, allowing for increased engagement during lectures and discussions, as well as more personalized attention from faculty members.

In terms of student life, a smaller campus can offer a stronger sense of belonging. You are more likely to encounter familiar faces across campus, which can encourage you to get involved in clubs, sports, and other extracurricular activities. Smaller colleges often have a more focused approach to campus events and traditions that foster school spirit and camaraderie among students.

However, smaller college campuses may have fewer resources and options compared to larger universities in terms of academic programs, research opportunities, and on-campus amenities. Additionally, the social scene might be more limited, with fewer clubs or on-campus events, although this highly depends on the institution.

At Florida Southern College, you can expect a close-knit atmosphere with opportunities to forge strong bonds with your peers, as well as personalized support from faculty and staff. Make sure to evaluate your own preferences and priorities and visit the campus, if possible, to have a better sense of whether the size of the student body aligns with your personal and academic goals.

7 months ago

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