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Virginia Wesleyan Ranking?

Hey everyone, I'm looking into Virginia Wesleyan for college but I'm curious about their ranking in comparison to other schools. Does anyone know how Virginia Wesleyan ranks overall? Thanks for any help!

7 months ago

Virginia Wesleyan University is a small, private liberal arts school located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. When it comes to overall rankings, it's important to remember that rankings can vary significantly depending on the methodology used by different organizations. However, rankings should be taken with a grain of salt as they might not reflect every aspect of a college experience, and what's most important is finding a school that fits your personal needs and goals.

As of the latest data available, U.S. News & World Report, a popular ranking platform, ranks Virginia Wesleyan University at #174 in "National Liberal Arts Colleges". This ranking is based on factors such as graduation and retention rates, social mobility, faculty resources, expert opinions, financial resources, and alumni giving.

Instead of focusing solely on rankings, consider the school's size, location, academic programs, campus life, and any other factors that might be important to you. Additionally, if possible, try to visit the campus or attend a virtual tour to get a better feel for the school's atmosphere and culture.

7 months ago

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