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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Using Wake Forest University's Net Price Calculator?

Hey guys, I'm trying to estimate the cost of attending Wake Forest. Has anyone used their net price calculator before? How accurate do you think it is? Thanks!

7 months ago

Hey! It's good that you're considering the financial aspect of attending college. Wake Forest University's Net Price Calculator is meant to provide you with an estimation of your costs, though it may not always be 100% accurate. However, it usually gives you a pretty good ballpark figure of what you can expect to pay.

The accuracy of the calculator depends on the information you input, so make sure to provide accurate details about your family's financial situation, such as income, assets, and investments, as well as your personal academic and extracurricular achievements. This will help the calculator generate a more precise estimate.

Keep in mind that your final financial aid package, if you are offered one, may differ from the Net Price Calculator results, as the actual package takes into consideration the specifics of your application and various other factors. The calculator does give you a good starting point and can help inform your decisions when comparing colleges and financial aid offers.

It's always recommended to also explore and apply for external scholarships and grants to reduce the net cost further. Good luck with your college planning process!

7 months ago

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