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Thoughts on Cal Poly SLO's political science program?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior who's starting to narrow down my college search and I've been considering Cal Poly SLO for political science. Can anyone here give me an insight into the program, and if you're a student/alumni, what's your overall experience been like?

7 months ago

It's nice to hear that you're considering Cal Poly SLO for your political science education! Although I am not a student or an alumnus of the school, I can give you an overview about the political science program at Cal Poly SLO.

Cal Poly SLO's political science program is well-regarded and provides a comprehensive education in various subfields of the discipline, such as American government, comparative politics, international relations, political theory, and public policy. The program emphasizes hands-on learning and real-world experience, meaning you'll have opportunities to participate in internships, student-led initiatives, and research projects with faculty members.

Many political science students at Cal Poly SLO appreciate the Learn by Doing philosophy that the university puts into practice. Because of this approach, students usually have ample opportunities to participate in activities like the Model United Nations, Mock Trial team or the university's student government, all of which can help you develop your skills and gain practical experience in the field.

The class sizes in the political science program tend to be smaller, which fosters a sense of community among classmates and allows for more individualized attention from professors. This can be particularly helpful when you're tackling complex topics during class discussions and group activities.

In terms of post-graduation prospects, Cal Poly SLO political science alumni have gone on to pursue advanced degrees in prestigious graduate programs or secure positions in government, non-profit organizations, think tanks, private sector, and more.

It's important to visit the campus and get a feel for the environment, as it can be a significant factor in your overall experience at the school. If possible, try to attend department events or connect with current students and faculty to get a more in-depth understanding of the opportunities and resources available to political science majors at Cal Poly SLO.

Remember to factor in other aspects when making your college decision, such as location, campus culture, size, and financial aid. Good luck with your college search, and I hope this information helps you in making an informed decision!

7 months ago

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