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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Location of BYU?

Hey guys, I've been researching colleges and recently came across BYU. Can anyone tell me where it's located and maybe a brief description of the area or campus vibes? Thanks!

7 months ago

BYU, or Brigham Young University, is located in Provo, Utah. Provo is a mid-sized city with a population of around 116,000 people and is situated approximately 45 miles south of Salt Lake City. The city is nestled between the stunning Wasatch Mountain Range and Utah Lake, providing a picturesque backdrop for the university.

The campus itself is spacious and well-maintained, with a mix of both historic and modern architecture. There's a strong sense of community among students, and you'll find a wide range of extracurricular activities to get involved in, along with excellent academic programs. Given BYU's affiliation with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, there is a religious atmosphere on campus, and students are required to adhere to an honor code that outlines guidelines for living a morally upright life.

The surrounding area offers plenty of outdoor recreational opportunities, such as hiking, skiing, camping, and fishing. In the city, you can visit local shops, restaurants, museums, and cultural attractions. Overall, BYU provides an academically rigorous, faith-based, and community-oriented atmosphere, while the city of Provo and the natural environment offer lots to do and explore.

7 months ago

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