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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Cal Poly SLO location?

Hey everyone! I'm considering applying to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, but I'm not exactly sure where it's located. Can someone fill me in on the location and maybe share a bit about the campus and its surroundings? Thanks a bunch!

7 months ago

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, often referred to as Cal Poly SLO, is located in San Luis Obispo, California. The city is situated along the Central Coast of California, roughly midway between Los Angeles and San Francisco. It's approximately 11 miles from the Pacific Ocean, offering a desirable coastal setting.

The campus itself spans over 6,000 acres, giving students access to a variety of academic and recreational resources. Cal Poly SLO is known for its "learn-by-doing" philosophy, and students can enjoy modern facilities, labs, and classrooms tailored to each major. The campus is surrounded by hills and has picturesque landscapes that contribute to its scenic beauty.

San Luis Obispo is a charming college town with a friendly community, making it a great place to live and study. The location offers a mix of urban and rural experiences, with a quaint downtown area that features local shops, restaurants, and cultural attractions. Additionally, being close to the coast, you'll have ample opportunities to explore beautiful beaches, hike nearby trails, and engage in outdoor adventures within a short drive from campus.

In summary, Cal Poly SLO has a beautiful and spacious campus set in a picturesque, coastal location with a supportive college town atmosphere. The balance of academics, outdoor activities, and local amenities make it an attractive choice for many prospective students.

7 months ago

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