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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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CCNY location and campus life?

Hi there! I'm interested in City College of New York but don't know much about its location. Can someone here provide me with information on where CCNY is located and what the campus life is like? Thank you!

7 months ago

City College of New York (CCNY) is located in the Hamilton Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City. Its address is 160 Convent Avenue, New York, NY 10031. The neighborhood is diverse, giving you a taste of various cultures. The surrounding area is relatively quiet and residential, but it's still just a subway ride away from the hustle and bustle of downtown Manhattan. This location provides students with a balance of a serene environment for studying and the excitement of city life.

CCNY's campus is one of the few college campuses in Manhattan with green spaces, which provides students with a peaceful atmosphere among the urban setting. The architecture of the campus buildings is historic and Gothic-inspired. The college has modern facilities, including academic buildings, a library, and recreation centers.

Campus life at CCNY is vibrant and diverse, with a wide array of clubs, organizations, and activities to choose from. There are numerous cultural, academic, and special-interest clubs catering to various hobbies and backgrounds. Students are encouraged to participate in these clubs and organizations to foster community connections, enhance personal development, and build a well-rounded college experience.

While CCNY does not have a traditional dining hall, it offers a variety of dining options on campus, including a food court that caters to different dietary preferences. As for housing, CCNY does have on-campus residence halls but many students choose to live off-campus throughout New York City. This adds to the rich and diverse urban experience of attending CCNY.

In terms of athletics, CCNY competes in the NCAA Division III and offers various men's and women's sports options, including basketball, soccer, volleyball, and more. The college's athletic programs encourage participation and foster a sense of community and school spirit.

In conclusion, CCNY offers a unique campus experience nestled within the vibrant and bustling city of New York. Its location in Hamilton Heights provides an ideal balance between peaceful study and city excitement, while the campus life offers numerous opportunities for students to engage in a range of activities, build friendships, and explore their interests.

7 months ago

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