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Cal Poly SLO Poli Sci Major?

Hey everyone! I'm considering majoring in political science and have my eyes on Cal Poly SLO. Can anyone share their experience with the program? What's the curriculum like, and are there any exciting research or internship opportunities?

7 months ago

I'm not a Cal Poly SLO student myself, but I've heard from others about their experiences in the Poli Sci program. Overall, it seems to be well-regarded and offers a solid curriculum with opportunities for research and internships.

The curriculum at Cal Poly SLO for political science majors offers a mix of required foundational courses and elective courses that allow you to delve deeper into your specific interests. Foundational courses cover topics such as American government, comparative politics, international relations, and political theory. Elective courses are available in a range of areas, including public policy, global politics, political behavior, and more.

One noteworthy aspect of Cal Poly SLO's political science program is the Learn by Doing philosophy, which aims to provide students with hands-on experience through research, internships, and community engagement. In terms of research, there are opportunities for students to work with faculty members on their research projects or even pursue their own research interests. Additionally, Cal Poly SLO hosts the annual Social Sciences Research and Teaching Symposium, where students can showcase their research projects.

As for internships, Cal Poly SLO's political science department has connections with local, state, and federal agencies, as well as nonprofit organizations and private sector entities. Students have successfully secured internships with organizations such as the California State Assembly and Senate, the U.S. Department of State, and various political campaigns. Furthermore, SLO itself has numerous organizations and causes students can work with, depending on their interests.

Overall, Cal Poly SLO's political science program seems to offer a well-rounded education through a diverse curriculum and hands-on learning experiences. If you're seeking an undergraduate program that combines academics with practical experience, it might be an excellent choice for you.

7 months ago

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