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Tennessee Tech: Yay or Nay?

Hi guys, I've been doing some research on Tennessee Tech and wanted to get some insider info and opinions. What can you tell me about the university, the student life, and the campus? Any help is appreciated!

7 months ago

Hello! Tennessee Tech (or Tennessee Technological University) is a public university located in Cookeville, Tennessee. It tends to be well-regarded for its engineering and computer science programs. Here's a brief overview of the university, student life, and campus to help you decide whether it's a yay or nay for you!

Academics: Tennessee Tech is known for its strong engineering, nursing, and education programs. The student-to-faculty ratio is approximately 18:1, which typically allows for more individual attention from professors. The school also has research opportunities and hands-on experience in various fields.

Student life: At Tennessee Tech, there are over 200 student organizations where you can find like-minded peers and explore various interests. This includes clubs, intramural sports, and Greek life. The university offers on-campus housing, and students often report a strong sense of community.

Campus: Tennessee Tech has a beautiful campus that spans over 267 acres, with modern facilities and picturesque surroundings. The campus is located in a small-town setting, which can be a plus or minus depending on your personal preferences. The campus itself is pedestrian-friendly and easy to navigate.


- Strong engineering, nursing, and education programs

- A significant number of student organizations and activities

- Beautiful campus with modern facilities

- Small-town environment can lead to a close-knit community


- Limited nightlife and entertainment options compared to larger cities

- If you're looking for a more urban experience, the campus location may not be ideal

- The small-town environment might not be for everyone

Ultimately, whether Tennessee Tech is a yay or nay depends on your priorities and preferences. If you value strong engineering or nursing programs, enjoy a beautiful campus, and prefer a small-town environment, Tennessee Tech might be a great fit for you. If you're looking for an urban experience or a school with a wider range of academic offerings, you may want to explore other options.

7 months ago

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