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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Location of Freed-Hardeman University?

Hey, can someone help me out? I came across Freed-Hardeman University, but I'm not sure where it's located. Can anyone tell me a bit more about its location and campus vibes?

7 months ago

Freed-Hardeman University is located in Henderson, Tennessee, which is a small town in the western part of the state. Henderson has a charming, close-knit community vibe and offers a peaceful environment for students. The university is approximately 90 miles east of Memphis and about 140 miles west of Nashville, giving students access to larger cities for additional cultural activities and entertainment options.

As for the campus atmosphere, Freed-Hardeman University is a private, Christian institution with a focus on integrating faith and learning. The campus itself is characterized by beautiful, well-maintained grounds and a mix of traditional and modern architecture. The university is known for its welcoming environment, supportive faculty, and tight-knit community. Students at Freed-Hardeman often engage in various spiritual, academic, and service-oriented activities. Overall, the campus experience is one of strong values, a sense of community, and opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.

7 months ago

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