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Northwestern's research reputation?

Hi all! I'm considering applying to Northwestern as a potential college option because of their journalism program. I wanted to know if they are also known as a research university and whether I'd be able to find research opportunities related to my field of study there. Thanks!

a year ago

Hi there! Northwestern University is indeed recognized as a research institution, and though their journalism program is most well-known, they have many impressive research initiatives across various fields.

The Medill School of Journalism, while primarily focused on journalism, does offer research opportunities related to journalism, media, and communications. Some examples include research on audiences, advertising strategy, content distribution, and the impact of technology on the industry.

Additionally, Northwestern encourages interdisciplinary collaboration, so you may have opportunities to participate in research projects in the social and behavioral sciences, political communication, or media-related business disciplines. It's essential to network with professors, attend events, and show interest in research early on to secure such positions.

The campus boasts numerous research facilities that can aid your studies, and connections to media outlets in a major city like Chicago definitely helps! Good luck with your decision, and I hope this information is helpful!

a year ago

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