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Emory University Engineering Program?

Hey y'all, I'm curious about Emory University's engineering program. Does anyone know how it ranks compared to other engineering programs? Any personal experiences from students currently in the program or who have graduated from it would be awesome. Thanks!

8 days ago

Emory University doesn't actually have a dedicated engineering program, but they offer a unique Dual Degree Engineering Program through a partnership with Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech). This is a 5-year program where you spend 3 years at Emory and 2 years at Georgia Tech. After completing the program, you'll receive two Bachelor's degrees: one from Emory (usually a BA in Science, such as Physics, Chemistry, or Math) and one from Georgia Tech (a Bachelor's of Engineering).

Georgia Tech's engineering program is highly-regarded and consistently ranks among the top engineering programs in the nation. The Dual Degree Program offers you the opportunity to gain a liberal arts education at Emory before entering a more technically-focused program at Georgia Tech, which can be advantageous in terms of developing well-roundedness and transferable skills.

However, if you're looking for a solely engineering-focused experience at a single institution, this might not be the program for you. You'll need to weigh the benefits of a dual degree and potentially having a wider range of academic experiences versus a more traditional engineering program at a single university.

If you're considering other top engineering schools, you could explore options like MIT, Stanford, Caltech, or University of Michigan. These schools offer undergraduate engineering degrees within a single institution and are highly respected in the field of engineering.

8 days ago

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