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Graduating from Emory University - How Good Are Their Graduation Rates?

Hi everyone, as a junior considering Emory University, their graduation rate is something I'm worried about. Is it at a high or reasonable percentage? I want to make sure I'd have a good chance of graduating on time if I attend their school. Thanks in advance!

8 days ago

Hello! Emory University is known for its strong academic programs and successful graduation outcomes. Its graduation rates are indeed impressive, so you can feel confident about your chances of graduating on time if you attend Emory.

The 6-year graduation rate at Emory is around 91.8%, which is considered high when compared to the national average. The 4-year graduation rate is approximately 81.5%, which is also well above the national average. These statistics indicate that the vast majority of students at Emory graduate within the expected time frame.

Keep in mind that while graduation rates are a good indicator of a successful academic experience at a university, your individual experience will ultimately depend on a variety of factors such as your major, personal circumstances, and your dedication to your studies. Emory provides ample resources and a supportive community to help you succeed, but ensuring timely graduation will also require proactive engagement on your part.

Good luck with your college search, and feel free to ask any other questions you may have!

8 days ago

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