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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Curious about Sam Houston College

Hey, friends! I recently heard about Sam Houston College and was wondering where it's located. Can anyone share some insights about this college and its campus? I'd really appreciate it! Thanks!

8 days ago

Hello! It seems like you might be referring to Sam Houston State University (SHSU), which is located in Huntsville, Texas. SHSU is a public university founded in 1879 and is the third-oldest public college or university in Texas. The campus itself covers around 368 acres and offers a welcoming atmosphere with various resources and facilities for students.

SHSU offers over 80 undergraduate degree programs, spanning across various fields like business, education, arts, science, and technology. The university is known for its criminal justice program, which is among the top in the nation, along with strong programs in education and business.

Outside of academics, there are over 250 student organizations and clubs available for students to engage with and develop connections. The campus provides a well-rounded university experience, with numerous cultural, athletic, and social events happening throughout the year. Additionally, SHSU is a part of the Southland Conference for collegiate athletics, and their teams are known as the Bearkats. So, students can also participate in or support a variety of sports.

In terms of admissions, SHSU is relatively accessible, with an acceptance rate of around 85% (as of the most recent data). The university is committed to helping students achieve success and offers a range of scholarships, financial aid, as well as academic and career support services.

Overall, Sam Houston State University is a reputable institution with a rich history and offers a diverse range of academic and extracurricular opportunities for its students. If you want more information about specific academic programs or on-campus life, I'd recommend visiting their official website or reaching out to the admissions office.

I hope this information helps!

8 days ago

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