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Recommendations for music schools in New Jersey?

Hi friends! I'm an aspiring musician and I've been searching for some solid music schools in New Jersey. What colleges or conservatories have good reputations for music programs? Any personal experiences or suggestions are much appreciated!

7 days ago

There are several reputable music schools in New Jersey that you can consider. Here are a few options with strong music programs:

1. Rutgers University - Mason Gross School of the Arts: Rutgers is a well-known university with a strong music program at Mason Gross. They offer undergraduate degrees in music education, performance, composition, and music technology. The school has experienced faculty members and boasts an array of ensembles and performance opportunities.

2. Montclair State University - John J. Cali School of Music: Montclair State has a highly-regarded music program within the John J. Cali School of Music. They provide bachelor's degrees in music education, music therapy, music performance, composition, jazz studies, and music & technology. This school boasts impressive facilities, including the Alexander Kasser Theater and the Leshowitz Recital Hall, as well as numerous extracurricular opportunities.

3. William Paterson University - Jazz Studies Program: If you're interested in jazz, the Jazz Studies Program at William Paterson is worth exploring. The university offers a Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies with small class sizes and individual attention from faculty. Their program focuses on jazz performance, composition, and arranging.

4. Rowan University - College of Performing Arts, Department of Music: The Department of Music at Rowan University offers bachelor's degrees in music education, music performance, composition, and more. They have a strong commitment to community outreach and actively engage with local schools and organizations for concerts and other events.

It's essential to research each school's curriculum, faculty, and facilities, including performance and practice spaces. Consider visiting the campuses, attending open houses, or connecting with current students and alumni to get a better understanding of each program. As an aspiring musician, it's important to find a program that aligns with your goals and provides the necessary support to grow both academically and artistically. Good luck with your search!

7 days ago

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