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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does NYU have a reputation for being a strong research university?

Hey guys, I'm considering applying to New York University (NYU) and wanted to know if it is known as a robust research university. Do they offer significant research opportunities for undergraduate students, especially those in the sciences? Thanks for your help!

a year ago

Hey! NYU is indeed recognized as a reputable research university and offers a variety of research opportunities for undergraduate students, including in the sciences. The university has several research centers and institutes, which not only encourage interdisciplinary collaboration, but also provide resources for undergraduate students to get involved in research projects.

The Center for Genomics and Systems Biology, the Center for Neural Science, and the Center for Soft Matter Research are a few notable centers that offer research opportunities for students studying in the sciences. Additionally, many professors actively engage in research and offer positions within their labs to undergraduates. Approaching them about joining their projects can lead to valuable research experience in your field of interest, as even if they aren't actively looking for a research assistant on their project, going out of your way to ask can show motivation and commitment.

NYU also hosts research fairs, which will allow you to explore projects going on across a variety of fields, and network with scientists, researchers, and fellow students in your domain. I hope this helps give you a clearer sense of what research opportunities would be available to you at NYU!

a year ago

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