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How is the public health major at UC Irvine?

Hi folks! I'm a high school junior who's really interested in public health, and UC Irvine has caught my attention. Can anyone talk about their experiences in the public health major at UCI? What are the classes, professors, and on-campus resources like?

7 days ago

Hi there! I'm not a student at UC Irvine, but I can still provide some information about the public health major at UCI.

UC Irvine offers a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Public Health Sciences and a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in Public Health Policy. The Public Health Sciences major focuses on the biological and quantitative aspects of public health, including epidemiology, biostatistics, and environmental health. In contrast, the Public Health Policy major is designed for students interested in the social, political, and economic aspects of public health, such as health policy development, health disparities, and community health improvement.

In terms of classes, the curriculum for both majors starts with foundational courses in public health, followed by more specialized coursework as you progress through your years. Some classes you might take include Epidemiology, Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, and Environmental Health Science. The curriculum is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the various factors that contribute to population health, and students from both majors need to take a capstone course during their senior year.

As for the professors, many of them are actively involved in research and have extensive experience in different aspects of public health. This means that you'll be learning from knowledgeable professionals who can connect classroom concepts to real-world situations. Students typically appreciate the passion and commitment of the faculty in assisting students with their academic and career goals.

UC Irvine provides a wide range of on-campus resources for public health majors. One such resource is the Program in Public Health, which regularly hosts events and seminars focusing on public health topics. Additionally, UCI has multiple research centers and institutes, such as the Institute for Clinical and Translational Science, Center for Occupational and Environmental Health, or Center for Healthcare Policy. These centers often offer research opportunities and internships for students interested in public health. Furthermore, UCI has various student organizations related to public health, such as the Public Health Association and the Global Health Research, Education, and Translation (GHREAT).

In summary, UC Irvine offers a well-rounded public health education through its Public Health Sciences and Public Health Policy majors. You'll have access to a variety of on-campus resources and opportunities to enhance your learning experience and prepare for a career or further studies in public health.

7 days ago

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