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How many AP classes do Ivy League schools typically expect?

Hi, I'm currently choosing my senior year classes and I'm trying to figure out how many AP classes to take. I'd like to apply to Ivy League schools and other top universities, and I'm wondering how many AP classes they expect applicants to have taken. Can anyone provide some guidance on this? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! While there isn't a set number of AP classes that Ivy League schools require, it's generally advised to challenge yourself, so if the AP version of a class is the most advanced option you can take at your school, you should try to take as many as you can without compromising your grades and extracurricular activities. Ivy League schools look for applicants who have a strong academic background and willingness to take on rigorous coursework, but taking 5 APs and not doing well in any of them won't help demonstrate that you have those qualities.

Additionally, the number of AP classes offered at your school impacts their expectations, as obviously you don't control which courses are available for you to register for. For example, if you've taken 5 AP courses but your school only offers 6, that will speak well of your desire to challenge yourself, whereas taking 5 if your school offer 20 AP classes won't.

Hopefully this helps, and best of luck with your senior year and college applications!

a year ago

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