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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Why should I consider WashU?

Hey everyone! I'm in the midst of exploring different colleges, and Washington University in St. Louis (WashU) has been mentioned a few times. I'm curious about its location and what it's like on campus. Can anyone share their experience or perspectives on WashU?

8 days ago

WashU is an excellent university, known for its strong academics and a beautiful campus. Here are some reasons why you might consider WashU, based on location, campus life, and academics:

1. Location and opportunities: WashU is situated in St. Louis, Missouri, which is a large metropolitan area with a rich history and culture. The city offers diverse neighborhoods, numerous cultural attractions, and significant internship opportunities. St. Louis's central location in the United States can also be attractive for students from different regions.

2. Beautiful campus: Washington University in St. Louis has a picturesque campus, featuring stunning collegiate gothic architecture, green spaces, and top-notch facilities. The campus is compact and walkable, making it easy to navigate and fostering a close-knit community feel.

3. Academic prestige and flexibility: WashU is well-regarded for its strong programs in various fields, such as medicine, engineering, business, and arts & sciences. The university encourages a flexible and interdisciplinary approach towards academics. Students can explore different subject matters, double major or minor across different schools without hassle, and enjoy the opportunity to pursue their unique interests.

4. Research opportunities: As a research-intensive university, WashU offers many opportunities for undergraduate research across a wide range of disciplines. Students are encouraged to participate in research projects early on, providing them with hands-on experience, skill development, and a chance to work with distinguished faculty members.

5. Supportive and collaborative environment: WashU is known for its supportive community and friendly atmosphere. Students often describe their peers as collaborative and helpful, as well as passionate about their studies and driven to succeed. This spirit extends to the faculty, who are open and accessible, promoting dynamic and engaging learning environments.

6. Residential life and housing: WashU's residential college system provides a close-knit living experience where students feel welcomed and supported. The university has made significant investments in modernizing its housing options, ensuring that students reside comfortably with access to various resources.

7. Extracurricular engagement: With numerous clubs and organizations on campus, there is always something for students to get involved in outside the classroom. Whether it's community service, sports, or special interest clubs, students can explore new hobbies and make lasting friendships.

8. Commitment to diversity and inclusion: WashU has put forth efforts in recent years to increase diversity among its students and foster an inclusive community. The university offers various programs and initiatives to support underrepresented groups on campus.

Of course, whether WashU is the right choice for you depends on your individual preferences and goals. However, it's worth researching further and considering a visit to get a feel for campus life and start asking yourself if it aligns with your interests and expectations.

8 days ago

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