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Top Fashion Design Schools in Michigan?

I'm from Michigan and I'm really interested in pursuing a fashion design degree. Are there any great fashion design schools in Michigan that I should consider?

8 days ago

Michigan may not be as renowned for fashion design as cities like New York or Paris, but it still has a few strong options for you to pursue your passion for fashion design. Here are some top fashion design schools in Michigan to consider:

1. Eastern Michigan University (EMU): EMU offers a bachelor's degree in Apparel, Textiles, and Merchandising, which covers several aspects of the fashion industry, including fashion design, merchandising, and textiles. Students can choose from two concentrations: fashion design and merchandising or textile science.

2. College for Creative Studies (CCS): Located in Detroit, CCS is primarily known for its design programs, including a BFA in Fashion Design. This program focuses on footwear, handbags, wearable technology, and other fashion accessories.

3. Central Michigan University (CMU): CMU has a BS, BA, and BAA in Fashion Merchandising and Design, which combines fashion design principles like sewing and pattern drafting with important business and marketing skills. The program offers multiple concentrations, like fashion buying, fashion design, visual merchandising, and more.

4. Wayne State University (WSU): WSU offers a Bachelor of Science in Fashion Design, which allows students to learn about various aspects of the fashion industry, including design, textiles, and marketing. In addition, WSU's location in Detroit provides access to internships and job opportunities in the Detroit fashion scene.

These are just a few of your options in Michigan. I recommend thoroughly researching each of these schools and their respective fashion programs to determine the best fit for your academic and career goals. Make sure to visit each campus if possible and talk to current students or faculty in the fashion programs to get a better understanding of what each institution has to offer. Good luck!

8 days ago

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