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Florida State University Undergraduate Majors

Hey guys! I'm considering applying to Florida State University but I'm not quite sure what they offer as undergraduate majors. Can someone give me some information on the variety of majors available at FSU? Thanks!

25 days ago

Sure! Florida State University (FSU) offers a wide range of undergraduate majors across various fields of study. Here's an overview of some of the broad categories and examples of majors available at FSU:

1. Arts and Humanities: This category includes majors such as Art History, Creative Writing, Film Studies & Production, Graphic Design, Music, and Theatre.

2. Business and Entrepreneurship: If you're interested in business, you can pursue majors like Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Management, Real Estate, and Risk Management/Insurance.

3. Education and Human Services: For those interested in working with people, FSU offers majors in areas such as Criminology, Elementary Education, Exercise Physiology, Family & Child Sciences, Psychology, and Social Work.

4. Health Sciences: Health-related majors are prevalent at FSU, with options like Nursing, Nutrition & Food Science, Human Sciences, Athletic Training, and Public Health.

5. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM): FSU has plenty of STEM options, including Biological Science, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering (Civil, Computer, Electrical, Industrial, and Mechanical), Environmental Science & Policy, Mathematics, Meteorology, and Physics.

6. Social Sciences: This category includes majors such as Economics, Geography, International Affairs, Political Science, Public Relations, and Sociology.

These are just a few examples of the undergraduate majors available at Florida State University. For a complete and up-to-date list of majors, minors, and program offerings, I would recommend visiting their website and exploring the academic offerings page.

I hope this overview gives you an idea of the diverse academic opportunities at FSU. Good luck with your college search!

25 days ago

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