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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Georgia Tech Aerospace Engineering Ranking

Hey guys! I've been researching Georgia Tech's aerospace engineering program, but I can't find much about its ranking. Can someone please help me figure out how well it's ranked nationally? Thanks a ton!

5 months ago

Sure! Georgia Tech's aerospace engineering program is consistently ranked among the top programs in the United States. According to the latest U.S. News & World Report, Georgia Tech's aerospace engineering undergraduate program is currently ranked #2 nationwide. Keep in mind that rankings can vary between sources and year to year, but it's clear that Georgia Tech has a strong reputation in the field of aerospace engineering. While rankings can be a helpful starting point, it's also crucial to consider other factors, such as fit, campus culture, and available resources, when choosing a school. Nonetheless, Georgia Tech is an excellent institution to consider for pursuing a degree in aerospace engineering.

5 months ago

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