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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Harvard Student Count: Undergrad vs. Grad Students

Trying to get an idea of the student population balance at Harvard. Does anyone know how many undergraduate students and graduate students are enrolled at Harvard? I'm curious about how this affects the campus atmosphere and overall experience!

3 days ago

Certainly! As of Fall 2023, Harvard University had approximately 7,000 undergraduate students and around 18,000 graduate and professional students enrolled. The undergraduate population consists of students in the Harvard College, while the graduate population comprises students in various schools including Harvard Business School, Law School, Medical School, and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, among others.

This balance does have an effect on the overall campus atmosphere. Harvard College maintains a close-knit, community-oriented environment with its residential house system and extracurriculars targeted at undergraduate students, fostering a unique undergraduate experience. Graduate students, on the other hand, tend to have a more specialized and professional focus due to the nature of their programs.

Despite the differences between undergraduate and graduate experiences, there are still opportunities for interaction and collaboration among both groups. For example, students can connect through cross-disciplinary clubs, campus-wide events, and research collaborations.

In summary, while the undergraduate and graduate student populations differ, they both contribute to the vibrant intellectual and social life on Harvard's campus. Knowing your preferences regarding campus culture can help you decide if a university like Harvard, with a larger graduate population, is a suitable fit for your personal and academic goals.

3 days ago

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