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Illinois D2 Colleges: Which ones are the best?

I'm looking into Division II colleges in Illinois, and I'm kinda lost. Can anyone recommend some of the top D2 schools in the state? I'd love to hear about things like campus life, academics, and athletics. Thanks!

7 months ago

There are a few noteworthy Division II colleges in Illinois that you might want to consider. Some of the top D2 schools in the state include:

1. Lewis University: Located in Romeoville, Lewis University is a private, Catholic university with a comprehensive range of programs. The Flyers participate in the Great Lakes Valley Conference (GLVC). The campus offers a tight-knit community, various extracurricular activities, strong academics, and competitive athletics.

2. University of Illinois Springfield (UIS): UIS is a public university that prides itself on its personalized learning experience, strong programs in computer science, business, and political science, among others. UIS Prairie Stars participate in the GLVC. Campus life at UIS offers many student-led clubs and organizations as well as community engagement opportunities.

3. McKendree University: McKendree is a private university in Lebanon, known for its small class sizes and personalized attention from faculty. The Bearcats also participate in the GLVC. McKendree has a vibrant campus life with numerous clubs, Greek life, and competitive athletics, including football, basketball, and ice hockey.

4. Quincy University: This is a private, Franciscan university in Quincy, offering a strong liberal arts education. Quincy's Hawks compete in the GLVC. Campus life at Quincy includes several student organizations, a close-knit community, and various opportunities to get involved, both on and off-campus.

When assessing these schools, be sure to consider factors like available majors, size, location, and campus resources. It's important to visit these campuses (in-person or virtually) and gather more information to find the right fit for you academically and athletically. Good luck!

7 months ago

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