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Best colleges for lacrosse players?

I'm a high school junior and I'm passionate about playing lacrosse. I want to continue playing in college, so I was wondering which colleges are known for their strong lacrosse programs and support for student-athletes? Any recommendations for balancing academics and college sports would also be appreciated!

7 months ago

It's excellent that you're committed to continuing lacrosse in college! When it comes to strong lacrosse programs, you'll probably want to consider schools with notable NCAA lacrosse teams. Some examples of top lacrosse programs are:

1. Duke University (Division I)

2. Syracuse University (Division I)

3. Johns Hopkins University (Division I)

4. University of Virginia (Division I)

5. University of Maryland (Division I)

6. Le Moyne College (Division II)

7. Tufts University (Division III)

8. Salisbury University (Division III)

Keep in mind, the competitiveness of these programs will vary, and you should research each school to find the best fit for your ability and aspirations.

As for balancing academics and sports, here are a few tips:

1. Time management: Effectively managing your time is crucial when juggling academics and athletics. Set priorities, create a schedule, and stick to it as much as possible.

2. Study efficiently: Make the most of your study time by finding the methods that work best for you, whether it's through group studying, flashcards, or rewriting notes.

3. Utilize on-campus resources: Take advantage of academic support services like tutoring, study groups, and academic advising to help you navigate both athletics and academics.

4. Communicate with professors and coaches: Keep open communication with both your professors and coaches concerning your commitments to ensure everyone is on the same page. This can help you address potential scheduling conflicts, receive support, and plan ahead.

5. Prioritize rest and self-care: Remember to prioritize sleep, nutrition, and mental well-being. This holistic approach will help you perform better both athletically and academically.

Consider reaching out to current student-athletes and alumni to get a better understanding of their experiences balancing academics and athletics at various colleges. Good luck with your lacrosse journey in college!

7 months ago

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