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Top California D2 Football Schools?

I'm a high school junior and a football player. I want to continue playing in college, so I'm researching D2 football schools in California. Any suggestions for which schools have strong programs and good academic reputations?

7 months ago

It's great that you're looking into D2 football schools in California! Here's a list of some of the top D2 schools in the state known for their football programs and respectable academics. Keep in mind that you might want to research each school further to see if it's a good fit academically and athletically for you.

1. Azusa Pacific University: The Azusa Pacific Cougars have a successful football program that has performed well in the NCAA Division II realm. Additionally, Azusa Pacific offers a variety of solid academic programs.

2. Humboldt State University: The Humboldt State Lumberjacks have a history of strong football, although the team has recently experienced ups and downs. Academically, Humboldt State is well-regarded in environmental and marine sciences.

3. University of San Diego: Although technically a non-scholarship Division I Football Championship Subdivision (FCS) school, the University of San Diego's football program is more comparable to D2 schools in terms of competitiveness. The Toreros have a solid football tradition, and the university is known for its business and international relations programs.

Don't forget to also consider balancing your athletic and academic goals when choosing a school. While a strong football program is essential, prioritizing your education and future success is equally important. Research each school to find academic programs and resources that suit your interests and needs, and potentially reach out to coaches to discuss your goals and expectations. Good luck with your search!

7 months ago

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