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Looking for a California Fashion School

I'm really interested in fashion and seriously considering studying it in college. What are some reputable fashion schools in California that I should look into?

7 months ago

It's great that you're passionate about fashion and want to pursue it in college. California has several reputable fashion schools that offer a variety of programs to students. Here are a few options you might want to check out:

1. Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising (FIDM) — With campuses in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Orange County, and San Diego, FIDM offers undergraduate degrees in various fields, such as fashion design, merchandising, and marketing. FIDM is well-known for its industry connections and high-profile alumni.

2. Academy of Art University — Located in San Francisco, this art and design school offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in fashion. With a focus on creativity and innovation, the Academy of Art provides courses in fashion design, merchandising, journalism, and more.

3. California College of the Arts (CCA) — Based in San Francisco and Oakland, CCA offers a BFA in Fashion Design that encourages students to develop their own unique design aesthetic through experimentation and exploration of traditional and non-traditional materials.

4. Otis College of Art and Design — Located in Los Angeles, Otis offers a BFA in Fashion Design that emphasizes skills in design, illustration, and textiles, along with the business aspects of fashion. Students have opportunities to collaborate with major fashion brands on design projects.

5. California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) — CSULB has a BFA in Fashion Merchandising and Design program that helps students develop a strong foundation in design, pattern making, and textiles, while also incorporating business and marketing strategies.

6. Woodbury University — Situated in Burbank, Woodbury University offers a BFA in Fashion Design that provides students with a well-rounded education, encompassing design principles, patternmaking, and marketing strategies to shape future fashion professionals.

As you research these options, take note of each school's curriculum, internship opportunities, industry connections, and alumni to gain a better understanding of which program aligns best with your career goals and aspirations. Good luck!

7 months ago

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