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Physical Therapy Programs in Florida - Recommendations?

Hello! I'm a junior looking for some guidance. I'm interested in occupational therapy but I heard PT programs are post-graduate. Are there any solid undergraduate programs in Florida that will lead toward a career in physical therapy or a related field? Thanks in advance!

7 months ago

Hello! You're correct that Physical Therapy (PT) programs typically lead to a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree, which is a post-graduate program. However, you can prepare for entry into a DPT program by pursuing an undergraduate degree in a related field. While there aren't specific "pre-PT" programs, there are recommended undergrad majors and tracks that can help set you up for success in applying to PT schools.

Some popular majors for aspiring physical therapists are:

1. Exercise Science/Kinesiology

2. Biology

3. Health Sciences

4. Psychology

Florida has quite a few universities offering these undergraduate majors that can help you prepare for a career in physical therapy. Some universities in Florida you can consider are:

1. University of Florida (UF) - Offers Exercise Science, Biology, and Health Sciences majors.

2. University of Central Florida (UCF) - Offers Kinesiology, Biology, Health Sciences, and Psychology.

3. Florida State University (FSU) - Offers Exercise Science, Biology, and Health Sciences.

4. University of Miami (UM) - Offers Exercise Physiology, Biology, and Health Sciences.

Remember that you'll also need to complete specific prerequisite courses typically required by PT schools. These courses often include subjects like biology, chemistry, physics, anatomy, and physiology, among others. Be sure to research the DPT programs you're interested in applying to after completing your undergraduate degree and tailor your coursework to meet their requirements.

Lastly, it's crucial to gain experience working or volunteering with licensed physical therapists, as most PT schools require a minimum number of hours of observation or work experience. Start looking for opportunities early to ensure you have a strong application when applying for a DPT program.

Best of luck in your educational journey, and I hope this information helps you get started on the right path to a career in physical therapy!

7 months ago

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