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Cal Poly Engineering Rankings?

Hi guys! I'm considering applying to Cal Poly for engineering but I'm kinda lost when it comes to their rankings. Could someone help me understand where they stand in terms of engineering programs overall?

7 months ago

Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo is well-regarded for its engineering programs. While it's essential not to rely solely on rankings, they can give you an idea of where a school stands compared to others. According to the U.S. News & World Report 2024 rankings, Cal Poly ranks #5 in Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs among schools where the highest degree is a bachelor's or master's, without a focus on a specific engineering discipline. Cal Poly also frequently ranks highly in various engineering specialty rankings, indicating that the school offers strong programs across multiple disciplines.

Cal Poly's impressive ranking is due to its learn-by-doing approach, which emphasizes hands-on experience, practical application, and collaboration. The smaller class sizes allow students to engage directly with faculty members, contributing to a more personalized and effective engineering education.

While rankings can be helpful, it's crucial to consider other factors such as culture, location, and resources when deciding if a school is a good fit for you. I'd recommend researching the specific engineering programs offered by Cal Poly and exploring their graduates' outcomes (e.g., job placement, graduate school acceptance, etc.) to get a more comprehensive view.

7 months ago

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