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Thoughts on Cal State Long Beach Computer Science?

Has anyone here taken the Computer Science program at Cal State Long Beach? I'm trying to decide if it's a good fit for me. Can anyone share their experiences, including professor quality and availability of research opportunities?

7 days ago

I've heard from several students who have gone through the Computer Science program at Cal State Long Beach, and they tend to have positive experiences with the program. The curriculum is comprehensive, and it aims to provide students with a strong foundation in both theoretical concepts and practical applications.

The quality of professors in the program is generally regarded as good, with many of them having valuable industry experience. However, like many universities, this can vary from professor to professor. Some students have mentioned that certain professors can be tough to approach or not as clear in their explanations, so it helps to be proactive about seeking out help when you need it, whether through office hours or working with your peers.

As for research opportunities, they are available, particularly for upper-division students, but you might need to be proactive in seeking them out. Students can connect with faculty members who have research projects and express their interests to get involved. Additionally, CSULB has a research symposium called the Student Research Competition, which can be an excellent opportunity to showcase your work.

The Computer Science program at Cal State Long Beach also puts an emphasis on internships and providing real-world experiences to students. So, while research opportunities might not be as abundant as at some larger research institutions, there are still avenues available for you to gain experience in the field.

Ultimately, the decision to choose Cal State Long Beach for Computer Science will likely come down to personal preferences and factors such as location, affordability, and the atmosphere of the university. It's a well-regarded program that has prepared many students to become successful professionals in the tech industry.

7 days ago

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