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LMU Housing Costs

Hey everyone! I'm considering applying to Loyola Marymount University (LMU) and was wondering if any current students or alumni could give me an idea of the housing costs on campus. Are there different price ranges depending on the type of dorm or room style? Thanks for the help!

7 days ago

Hey! Loyola Marymount University does have varying housing costs depending on the type of residence hall and room style you choose. Prices can range from around $13,000 to $20,000 per academic year. Traditional residence halls, which typically have double occupancy rooms and community bathrooms, are on the lower end of the price range. Suite-style dorms, where you might share a living space and bathroom with a few other students, tend to be a bit more expensive. Finally, apartment-style housing, which offers more privacy and amenities like a kitchen, is the most expensive option.

Keep in mind that the housing costs I've mentioned are just estimates, and the actual costs may vary depending on the specific residence hall and room type. Additionally, these rates do not include meal plans, which you'll need to factor in when budgeting for on-campus living. I recommend checking the LMU website for the most up-to-date and accurate prices before making your decision.

7 days ago

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