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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Hampton University Area and Activities

Hi everyone! I'm interested in Hampton University and I'd like to learn more about the surrounding area. Can you tell me about the vibe and what students typically do off-campus in their free time?

24 days ago

Hampton University is located in Hampton, Virginia, which is part of the Hampton Roads metropolitan area. The city has a rich history and boasts a charming, coastal environment. The surrounding area offers a diverse array of activities and attractions for students to enjoy in their free time.

The Hampton University campus is situated near the waterfront, which means students have the opportunity to engage in various water-based activities like boating, kayaking, and paddleboarding. Additionally, there are several nearby beaches such as Buckroe Beach and Outlook Beach that students frequently visit for relaxation and fun in the sun.

The downtown Hampton area is just a short drive or walk from campus and is home to numerous shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues. Students can enjoy a variety of dining options, ranging from local cuisine to international fare. In terms of entertainment, The American Theatre and the Hampton Coliseum are popular spots for concerts, performances, and other cultural events.

For those interested in the outdoors, there are several parks in the vicinity, including Sandy Bottom Nature Park and the Bluebird Gap Farm, where students can enjoy hiking, bird-watching, and other outdoor activities. For history buffs, there's Fort Monroe and the Hampton History Museum, which provide an insight into the area's rich past.

Moreover, the larger Hampton Roads region offers even more entertainment options, including the Virginia Beach oceanfront, Busch Gardens theme park in Williamsburg, and shopping at the MacArthur Center and Peninsula Town Center malls. With so many attractions within the area, students at Hampton University should have no trouble finding fun and engaging off-campus activities to suit their interests.

24 days ago

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