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Marquette University Graduation Rate

I've been looking into Marquette University, and I recently saw the graduation rate. Can someone put this stat into context for me? Is the graduation rate indicative of the school's overall quality, and should it be a significant factor when making my college decision?

7 days ago

The graduation rate at a college can provide valuable insight into the school's overall success in supporting students to complete their degrees. However, it shouldn't be the sole factor to consider when making your college decision, as it doesn't necessarily tell the whole story.

Marquette University's 6-year graduation rate is around 80%. This is an above-average rate when compared to the national average of around 60% for 4-year institutions. A higher graduation rate is generally indicative of a supportive academic environment, adequate resources, and satisfied students who choose to stay at the institution until they complete their degrees. It shows that Marquette University has a strong commitment to helping their students succeed academically.

However, it's essential to consider other factors when evaluating a school. These may include the major(s) you're interested in, the strength of the school's programs in your desired field, campus life, extracurricular opportunities, location, size, financial aid, and more. All of these factors contribute to a well-rounded college experience and should be taken into account when making your decision. It's also crucial to ensure the school is a good fit for your personal preferences, goals, and values.

In conclusion, while Marquette University's graduation rate is a positive indicator of the school's overall quality, it should be considered alongside other factors to make the best decision for your unique situation. Research the school's programs, visit the campus, and speak with current students and alumni to gain a comprehensive understanding of what the school can offer you.

7 days ago

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