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SAT: 720 math
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Georgia Tech International Students

I'm an international student considering applying to Georgia Tech. How supportive is their community for international students like me? Are there any specific resources for international students on campus?

5 months ago

Georgia Tech is known to be welcoming and supportive of international students. With a diverse campus community, many international students find a sense of belonging and inclusivity at Georgia Tech. The Office of International Education (OIE) at Georgia Tech offers several resources specifically tailored to cater to the needs of international students.

Some resources provided by OIE include:

1. International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) - ISSS helps international students with immigration concerns, employment authorizations, visa status, and other related issues.

2. Global Internship Program - This program offers internships for both domestic and international students to gain work experience abroad, enhancing their skills and global perspective.

3. Language Support - Georgia Tech offers several programs to help international students improve their English language proficiencies, such as conversation partners and English as a Second Language (ESL) courses.

4. Cultural Integration & Transition Support - Various workshops and events are organized by OIE to help international students acclimate to the new environment and culture, including cross-cultural communication and other adjustment workshops.

5. International Student Organizations - There are numerous student organizations with an international focus on campus, allowing students to connect with others from their home countries or explore new cultures.

Additionally, Georgia Tech's international students benefit from the diverse student body, where they can interact, learn from, and form long-lasting friendships with people from all over the world. These resources and connections help to create a well-rounded and supportive environment for international students at Georgia Tech.

5 months ago

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